how much sugar is it OK to eat?
- By:Rita Condon
- Comments:3
Consuming too much energy – whether from fat or carbohydrates, including sugar – will make you gain weight. If left unchecked, this excess weight increases your risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and some cancers...

We can avoid weight creep – here’s how
- By:Alan Smith
- Comments:2
Many of us enter a new year reflecting on where we have been and our plans for the future. For some, this will mean acknowledging that a couple more kilos have crept on over the past year. Others will have health on their hit list for 2016; resolving to eat better and lose...

- By:Olivia Grosh
- Comments:2
Detox diets make amazing promises of dramatic weight loss and more energy – all achieved by flushing toxins from the body. Toxins have very little to do with it; detox diets “work” because of the very severe dietary and energy restrictions they require someone to...

Permission from a Health Coach
- By:Sam Kromstain
- Comments:2
Are you one of those people that hates being told what to do? Like, if you’re told not to do something it’s only going to make you want to do it more and you’ll simultaneously get mega-peeved at the person for trying to put limitations on you? Because, uch! If so, we’re...

5 sorts of teas that make you slim!
- By:Mark Johnson
- Comments:5
The brew that energises can also help you lose weight. Here's how...It's widely known that just one cup of tea can prevent strokes, arthritis, tooth decay and even keep cancer at bay. While it's regarded as nature's tranquiliser for its soothing properties, the brew also has...

aim for fitness over fat loss for success
- By:Patrick Pool
- Comments:4
Getting fit and losing weight are consistently among the top New Year’s resolutions, and January is the boom period for the billion-dollar gym industry. While any attempt to incorporate more exercise into our lives should be welcomed, it’s time to rethink the...